Inline Image

Processor name: image-inline (see also Image)


The inline image tag allows for the use of images inside tables, etc without causing style errors. The tag functions almost exactly the same as the image tag except for the alignment argument.

You can include an inline image using the following text tag:

An inline image: {image-inline alt="alt text" file-path="img/example.png"}.

Required Tag Parameters

  • file-path - The path to the image.

    • Each file-path provided is added to the images set in required files stored by Verto. The set of filepaths can be accessed after conversion, see Step 4: Accessing VertoResult data.
    • Note: If the given link is a relative (a link that doesn’t start with http:), the link will be rendered with a Django static command. For example, the link images/example.png would be rendered as {% static 'images/example.png' %} This can be overriden, see the override section below.
  • alt - Description text of the image used when an image is not displayed, or can be read when using a screen reader (for those with reading difficulties).

Optional Tag Parameters

  • caption - Lists the given text as a caption under the image.
  • caption-link (requires caption parameter) - Converts the caption text into a link to the given caption link URL.
  • source (optional) - Adds the text ‘Source’ under the image with a link to the given source URL. Displays after the caption if a caption is given.
  • hover-text - Additional text to be displayed when the user hovers their cursor over the image (note this won’t appear on touch devices so use sparingly).

The default HTML for image is:

{% if file_relative %}
{% autoescape false -%}
src="{{ "{% static '" }}{{ full_file_path }}{{ "' %}" }}"
{%- endautoescape %}
{% else %}
src="{{ full_file_path }}"
{% endif %}
{% if alt %} alt="{{ alt }}" {% endif -%}
{%- if hover_text %} title="{{ hover_text }}" {% endif -%}>
{% if caption and caption_link -%}
<p><a href="{{ caption_link }}">{{ caption }}</a></p>
{%- elif caption -%}
<p>{{ caption }}</p>
{%- endif -%}
{%- if source_link -%}
<p><a href="{{ source_link }}">Source</a></p>
{%- endif -%}

Using the following example tag:

An inline image: {image-inline alt="alt text" file-path="img/example.png"}.

The resulting HTML would be:

<p>An inline image: <div>
<img alt="alt text" src="{% static 'img/example.png' %}" />

Overriding HTML for Images

When overriding the HTML for images, the following Jinja2 placeholders are available:

  • {{ full_file_path }} - The location for the path to the URL.

  • {{ alt }} - The alternative text for the image.

  • {{ hover_text }} - The text to display when the user hovers over the image (see image title attribute).

  • {{ caption }} - The text for the image caption.

  • {{ caption_link }} - The URL for the caption link .

  • {{ source_link }} - The URL for the source .

  • {{ file_relative }} - If the full_file_path is a relative link, this is the boolean value True, otherwise False.

    If {{ file_relative }} is True, the following placeholders are also available to allow finer control of output of relative images (see Example 2 below):

    • {{ file_path }} - The file path of the image, with file extension removed.
    • {{ file_extension }} - The file extension for the image.
    • {{ file_width_value }} - If the file name of the image ends in a width suffix (for example: apple@200px.png), this is the numerical width value as an integer (in the example before: 200).
    • {{ file_width_unit }} - If the file name of the image ends in a width suffix (for example: apple@200px.png), this is the width unit (in the example before: px).

Example 1

For example, providing the following HTML:

<div class="text-center">
<img alt="{{ alt }}" src="{{ full_file_path }}" class="rounded img-thumbnail" />

with the following tag:

An inline image: {image-inline alt="alt text" file-path="" caption="Placeholder image" source=""}.

would result in:

<p>An inline image: <div class="text-center">
<img alt="alt text" class="rounded img-thumbnail" src="" />

Example 2

This is an example of using the scrset attribute for relative images.

The following HTML for image.html:

{% autoescape false -%}
{%- if file_relative %}
{%- if file_width_value -%}
srcset="{% if file_width_value > 200 %}{{ "{% static '" }}{{ file_path }}@200px{{ file_extension }}{{ "' %}" }} 200w{% endif -%}
{% if file_width_value > 400 %}, {{ "{% static '" }}{{ file_path }}@400px{{ file_extension }}{{ "' %}" }} 400w{% endif -%}
{% if file_width_value > 600 %}, {{ "{% static '" }}{{ file_path }}@600px{{ file_extension }}{{ "' %}" }} 600w{% endif -%}
{% if file_width_value > 800 %}, {{ "{% static '" }}{{ file_path }}@800px{{ file_extension }}{{ "' %}" }} 800w{% endif -%}"
{%- endif -%}
src="{{ "{% static '" }}{{ full_file_path }}{{ "' %}" }}"
{%- else -%}
src="{{ full_file_path }}"
{%- endif -%}
{%- endautoescape -%}>

with the following tag:

An inline image: {image-inline alt="alt text" file-path="path/to/image@500px.png"}.

would result in:

<p>An inline image: <div>
<img src="{% static 'path/to/image@500px.png' %}" srcset="{% static 'path/to/image@200px.png' %} 200w, {% static 'path/to/image@400px.png' %} 400w" />