Boxed Text

Processor name: boxed-text

You can enclose text inside of a box using the following text tag:


**Computer Science Report for 2.44**

Put your introduction to what bits are here.

{boxed-text end}

Optional Tag Parameters

  • indented - If yes, the box will have indentation on the left to match indentation of the first level of a list.

The default HTML for button links is:

<div class='boxed-text{% if indented == "yes" %} boxed-text-indented{% endif %}{% if type %} boxed-text-{{ type }}{% endif %}'>
{% autoescape false -%}
{{ text }}
{% endautoescape -%}

Using the example tag above, the resulting HTML would be:

<div class="boxed-text">
<p><strong>Computer Science Report for 2.44</strong></p>
<p>Put your introduction to what bits are here.</p>

Overriding HTML for Boxed Text

When overriding the HTML for boxed text, the following Jinja2 placeholders are available:

  • {{ text }} - The text enclosed by the boxed text tags.
  • indented - Set to yes if the indentation parameter was set to True.


For example, providing the following HTML:

<div class="card">
<div class="card-block">
{{ text }}

with the following tag:


This text is displayed using a Bootstrap 4 card.

{boxed-text end}

would result in:

<div class="card">
<div class="card-block">
<p>This text is displayed using a Bootstrap 4 card.</p>